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Revolutionizing Onboarding: Catering to the Learning Styles of Gen Z

Onboarding processes in companies are a critical step in welcoming new employees and ensuring they understand the company’s culture, mission, and their individual role. While this process has been traditionally task-oriented, it may not resonate with all, especially the younger workforce.

A key finding from recent studies is that 60% of younger employees leave their jobs within six months of onboarding. The primary reason for this is a lack of understanding of the bigger picture of their work. The Gen Z workforce seeks not only to comprehend ‘what’ they are required to do but also ‘why’ they are doing it.

The Gen Z workforce seeks not only to comprehend 'what' they are required to do but also 'why' they are doing it.

This insight necessitates a paradigm shift in how onboarding processes are conducted. To cater to Gen Z’s unique preferences and ensure they find their work meaningful, companies should adopt the following strategic tips:

1. Leverage Technology

As digital natives, Gen Z is comfortable with technology. Incorporating technology in the onboarding process could mean using interactive online platforms for training or considering mobile-friendly formats. It’s important to make learning flexible and adaptable to their digital-first lifestyle.

Gen Z workers have a strong desire to understand how their tasks fit into the overall goals of the company.

2. Contextualize Tasks

Gen Z workers have a strong desire to understand how their tasks fit into the overall goals of the company. Providing this context will make their work more meaningful and satisfying. This can be achieved through detailed briefings or clear, well-structured documentation.

3. Promote Collaboration

Gen Z values teamwork and feedback. Establishing mentorship programs or facilitating peer-to-peer learning opportunities could be useful. By doing so, you not only help them learn faster but also build a culture of collaboration and shared knowledge.

4. Encourage Continuous Learning

Gen Z is known for their curiosity and their drive to learn continuously. Providing opportunities for continuous learning and development, such as ongoing training programs or access to online learning resources, could be highly beneficial.

5. Regular Feedback and Recognition

These young workers appreciate regular feedback and recognition. Keeping the lines of communication open about their performance and recognizing their contributions can help them feel valued and motivated.

By understanding and accommodating Gen Z’s unique learning style, companies can make their onboarding processes more effective. This approach could lead to higher retention rates and a more engaged and productive workforce. It’s time that companies reassess their onboarding process and make necessary adjustments to cater to the evolving workforce.